In the final episode of Rockin' Roo's Musical World Adventure, Rockin' Roo explores the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. We'll play some children's singing games, learn about melody and harmony from our friends Piano and Forte, sing about juicy mangoes, meet the steel pan and make our own, play drums galore, and celebrate Rockin' Roo's return home.
The fun includes:
1. Rockin' Roo's Theme Song
2. Hello, My Friends
3. I Let Her Go Go (a Trini lap bounce game for babies)
4. Drop Peter Drop (singing game)
5. Gypsy in the Moonlight (singing game)
6. Piano and Forte teach Melody and Harmony
7. Mangoes (a freeze dance and rhythm activity)
8. Phone Call with Rockin' Roo
- Carnival
- Calypso
- Natasha demonstrates the steel pan
9. DIY Steelpan Craft
10. Drums Galore
11. Shaky Shaky Egg with Rockin' Roo
12. Where Are You Hiding?
13. Goodbye, My Friends